On Friday, January 25th, one of our very own, Doc Reed, took the stage to share some insights and stories from his 16-year career, one-of-a-kind work experience, and his time spent Outside The Artboard. And the results were equal parts interesting, valuable, and hilarious.

Missed the talk (and the belly laughs)? Here are 18 quick hit takeaways and tips from the event. Enjoy!
Make Yourself A Priority
Carve out time for yourself and time to create. Learn something new—Skillshare, after effects, or write a storybook. You need to make time, otherwise, you’re going to wonder where it all your time went (and there’s a good chance it will have gone to social media).
Be Present.
Learn On The Clock
There’s nothing wrong with learning on the clock. It makes you a more valuable employee, sharpens your skills, and makes you a better team member.

Hold Yourself Accountable
Check out Futureme.org. Write yourself an email that will be sent to you, by you, down the road. This is one easy way to hold yourself accountable, without having to involve other people (and the inevitable embarrassment that happens when you lack follow through).
Get A Hobby (For Real)
It’s extremely important to have hobbies unrelated to your day job. Getting out from behind your devices will help enrich the designs you create.
Be Intentional.

You Can Always Improve
You just need to spend some time, hard work, and effort into developing yourself. If you find something, a task, that makes you a little bit uncomfortable—dig in until it’s not so uncomfortable. That change in uncomfortability is a sign you are improving.
Make Time To Play.
Get Out & Away From The Computer
Travel, adventure, go for a walk, get some perspective. Share in moments that may seem small, but can make a big impact. Inspiration is all around you; you just have to go out and find it.

Find A Mentor
This is extremely important, and super easy thanks to AIGA Charlotte’s annual Mentor Matchup program.
Teach As You Learn
Always stop and give someone the time of day. You may not know everything, but you know enough to give someone the valuable feedback they are searching for.
Make Time To Take Care Of Yourself
Don’t hustle at the expense of your health. You’re not going to get back those hours you spent grinding. There are plenty of great ideas inside you that need and deserve to get out, but you don’t need to work yourself to death to do it.
Attitude Is Everything
It’s ok to be dissatisfied with where you’re at, but it’s not fine to have a bad attitude about it.

Say Thank You.
Take Care of Your Team
Commend your teammates—tell them when they’re doing good work. It makes a huge impact and is contagious.
High Five!
It may be old school, but there’s no denying that it’s good for the soul.
Put Your Phone Away.
Don’t Be Critical
It’s ok to think critically, it’s not okay to be critical, whether that be of clients, coworkers, or yourself.

Thank you, Doc for taking the time and dropping some wisdom on all of us. Thank you to our amazing sponsors Free Range Brewing, Metrographics, the Dunhill Hotel, Advent Coworking, and The Creative Group. Thank you Eric Parks for taking these awesome photos, and thank you to all of YOU who came out!