Studio Design Manager, ABZ Design Group
AIGA Member: Since 2005
What attracted you to the design profession? Did you have particular mentors or experiences that opened the door to the profession for you?
When I was in high school, I took an introduction to journalism and desktop publishing class. It turned out that I actually hated doing the interviewing and writing part but loved doing the basic layout part. From there I started to play around with doing my own designs like calendars and mixed CD covers, which are laughable now. So when it came to choosing colleges and deciding what I wanted to be when I grew up, I chose design very quickly. It was not a hard decision for me to make.
My mentors were definitely my college professors in the design program at UNC Charlotte. When I was lacking in confidence, they encouraged me to keep going. Because of them I was able to be more comfortable in my own skin in general. I was the quiet girl in high school, so being able to stand up and talk about my design work effectively was, and still is, a huge accomplishment for me.
What’s your favorite font?
My favorites seem to change every twenty minutes, but right now I love Whitney and Legacy Serif.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Inspiration comes often from the most mundane things in my life. Once I was doing laundry and I threw in a purple shirt, a teal sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans into the washer, and that later became the color scheme for a newsletter I designed. I try to carry a sketchbook with me to jot down notes if I can too because ideas can come while I’m driving home or watching television. But having a subscription to Communications Arts does not hurt either.
How and why did you get involved with AIGA?
I became a member during my senior year in college, which was 2005. A friend of mine and I wanted to attend the national AIGA design conference that year. Being seniors, it was our last chance to enjoy the student discount. So we both became members, registered for the conference and had a wonderful time in Boston. It was definitely one of the most interesting and fun experiences I have had as a designer.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I was an avid student of dance growing up, from preschool until I graduated from high school, taking ballet, tap, jazz and modern. Today I take an advanced tap class through North Carolina Dance Theatre and several dance classes through Queen City Dance Out. If you cannot find me, I’m dancing five days a week. Not only do I love doing it, but it gives me a reason not do regular, boring exercise. You won’t see me on a treadmill.
About AIGA Charlotte’s Member Spotlight
Each month AIGA Charlotte interviews a selected AIGA Charlotte Member. It is a great opportunity for the Charlotte design community to see who AIGA Charlotte is along with all the amazing things our members are doing. If you or someone you know would like to be interviewed and appear on AIGA Charlotte’s Member Spotlight, please contact Patrick Saleeby, Membership Director.