2012-08-01 07:15:00
2012-08-01 08:30:00
BuzZ August: The Organic Approach to Finding Your Niche
Spoke Easy
AIGA Charlotte
Conversations over coffee
How you stay the course and how you combat burn out
As creatives in a fast changing world how do we stay focused on our own vision, find a niche, and not burn out? Advertising and the pieces that are part of the puzzle can be exhausting. After years of working as a photographer in the advertising world Mike Carroll has found a few things that keep him on line and in line that he'd like to share and hear thoughts on how to keep our vision pure and our soul strong.
Please join Mike Carroll, an 18 year veteran in the world of advertising and commercial photography, for an honest discussion on the need to keep focus. With any luck we might all learn that we're in this together. ______
About BuzZ AIGA Charlotte BuzZ is a meet-up event geared toward Charlotte area creatives and small business owners/employees. Please come join us for coffee as we discuss a different topic each month. Come to learn or come to share the knowledge you already have. Either way, just come see what all the BuzZ is all about.
Wed, Aug 1, 2012
7:15 AM - 8:30 AM
Spoke Easy
2923 S Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28203