We received a lot of great feedback from our post about the new AIGA Charlotte board members—people really seemed to enjoy knowing who they can approach to volunteer or ask questions. In that vein, we wanted to highlight other members of the board, some of the ones who are returning from last year. If you see us around, please stop us and say hello. We’re excited about the design community here in Charlotte, and we want to get to know the people in it.
Kevin Brindley

Board Position: President
What you do: Husband, Father, Creative Director & Wannabe Storm Chaser. Creative Director as Work By Kevin and Chief Creative Muscle at Appsy LLC.
Website: workbykevin.com & appsyllc.com (craftiebeerapp.com)
Social Media: @kevinbrindley & linkedin.com/kevinbrindley
My favorite AIGA event was: Design For Good Poster Initiative – it was a great event that combined multiple segments of the Charlotte community (creatives, policy leaders, non-profits, etc.)
If I could schedule anyone for an AIGA Charlotte event, it would be: George Lois. He’s had a brilliant career and I respect and admire how he presented and defended his work. It would be incredible to hear his stories first-hand.
Don’t forget, always: put your pants on like everyone else – one leg at a time.
Rhonda Sergeant

Board Position: VP of Communications
What you do: Freelance graphic designer/project manager
Website: behance.net/rhondasergeant
My favorite AIGA event was: Letterpress Fest – every event was inspirational in a completely different way
If I could schedule anyone for an AIGA Charlotte event, it would be:Target’s in-house design team. They are consistently creating creative/innovative work for what could be a same-old-same brand.
Don’t forget, always: Love AIGA and it will love you back. You get out of AIGA what you put into it.
Kimberly Diedrich

Board Position: VP of Programming
What you do: Graphic Designer by day, emerging chef by night (well maybe not a chef – but I do like to cook!), with a passion for animals, design, and working with children.
Website: kimberlydiedrich.com
Social Media: @kimdiedrich
My favorite AIGA event was: Letterpress Fest – I’m a sucker for fine stationery
If I could schedule anyone for an AIGA Charlotte event, it would be: John Lassiter! I’m still a kid at heart and am a big Disney fan. He’s got a lot of great stories to pull topics that would be beneficial to our membership.
Don’t forget, always: Smile!
Virginia Fairlcloth

Board Position: Events Coordinator
What you do: Freelance Graphic Designer – Snowboarder in the Winter
Website: virginiafaircloth.com
Social Media: @cedarandtwig
My favorite AIGA event was: All 4 days of Letterpress Fest
If I could schedule anyone for an AIGA Charlotte event, it would be: Bri Emery from Designlovefest. She is also a freelance graphic designer and would offer great tips for dealing with clients and various projects.
Don’t forget, always: Smile:)