Stress Addiction with Taylor Cashdan

“I work best under pressure.” “No worries—I’ll get it to you ASAP.” “It’s fine, I can handle it.”

Sound familiar?

It did for Taylor Cashdan, until he woke up one morning with the intent for a normal day. Instead, he found himself in the cardiac wing of a local hospital for a short stay that included a lot of “We’re not sure why this is happening.”

Stress is a silent (potential) killer that most of us voluntarily ignore, but thankfully there are ways to mitigate and get control of it. No matter how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise, overwork does not lead to success. We owe ourselves to do better. Taylor's story is a very real warning.

Join AIGA Charlotte for an evening of discussion, including strategies for mitigating and getting control of the stress in your life.

Meet the speaker: 

Taylor Cashdan is a North Carolina-based multidisciplinary creative and community builder that’s passionate about people, design, and all the intersections in between. He has a burning desire to collaborate with others to create exceptional work for people who give a shit.

When & Where
Thu, May 21, 2020 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT